What is ITI? What is the eligibility for ITI? Benefits of doing ITI, what is the working area of ITI? Estimated salary after ITI course.
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What is ITI?
The full name of ITI is Industrial Training Institute. ITI Course is especially for those students who want to do the job quickly. After doing ITI, you can easily get government and private jobs.
There are different types of trade in this course. Government and private colleges of ITI exist and many universities also offer this type of course. The student who does a diploma from ITI.
He has to get his diploma from one particular trade or the other. If the student’s interest is in Electrical. So he can get a Diploma in ITI from Electrical. In this, you can also get a Diploma in ITI from other branches like Mechanical Fitter Computer, etc.
After successfully completing these courses, the student has to give practical training in his business in the industry for one or two years.
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Practical training in an industry is mandatory for the National Council of Vocational Training (NVCT) Certificate.
ITIs are government-run training organizations that run in major cities of every state of India like Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Assam, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, etc.
Educational Qualification for ITI
There are many courses in ITI and the duration of all the courses and the eligibility for admission are different.
Like some courses are for 6 months, some are for 1 year and some are for 2 years. Apart from this, in some, you can take admission after the 8th class, in some and after the 12th class only.
Therefore, before taking admitted to any ITI Trade, you should get complete knowledge about it.
Take special care before choosing a trade
You can get your ITI diploma by choosing any one trade according to your interest. One thing to keep in mind is that not all trades will be found in all ITI Institutes. Before taking admission, you have to know which trade can be found in that ITI.
Fee for ITI
If you get admission to Government College. So no fee will have to be paid. But if you get admission to a private college, then the fees will have to be paid according to the college there.
Who can take admitted to ITI
8th, 10th, and 12th pass students can take admission in the ITI course.
ITI Admission Process
To take admitted to ITI, you have to fill out and submit the form. Which comes out every year in July.
You can buy its form from every ITI and you will get admission on Merit Base. The course for admission in this is on the basis of your qualification. In this 8th, 10th, and 12th pass students can take admission.
Jobs after ITI Diploma
This is the biggest question after doing ITI Diploma. where we can work. After doing ITI Diploma, many job options will open in front of you. Many government institutes remove jobs. In which ITI Diploma is sought. After doing this course, you can easily get into government jobs as well.
Popular ITI Colleges in Delhi
- Ch. Brahm Parkash Industrial Training Institute, Jaffarpur
- Directorate General of Employment and Training? DGE&T
- Industrial Training Institute, Mori Gate, Gokhle Road
- Industrial Training Institute, K Block, Jahangirpuri
- Industrial Training Institute, Nand Nagari
- Industrial Training Institute, Pusa Road, Karol Bagh
- Industrial Training Institute, D.S.I.D.C. Industrial Complex
- Industrial Training Institute, Malviya Nagar, Delhi
- Sarvodaya Industrial Training Institute, Durgapuri Extension, Shahdra
- Sir C.V. Raman Industrial Training Institute, Near Burari Crossing Dheerpur
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