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What is Internet? Advantages & Disadvantages in 2025

Hello, friends welcome to all of you. In today’s post, we are going to talk.

What is Internet? It’s information if you have one. Then it can prove to be very useful for you.

Because we run regular internet. work in it. So we should know about it. So that we can tell friends. What is the Internet? What should we do about this?

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And what information will we get from this? So in today’s post, I am going to give you information about the internet. So read the full post in detail.

The word internet is very short. But its network is huge, initially, it probably did not have a future. But right now its future is so big.

Can’t even guess that there is only one internet which has kept us connected with the whole world, if there were no internet then probably the computer and smartphone in our hands would not exist. So let’s know some information about the Internet ЁЯЩВ

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What is Internet?

It is one such network. Which keeps more than one computer connected to each other. We use the Internet on our smartphones and computers. The Internet is a technology. Which connects digital technology with each other.

Its primary example is which we run on mobile and computers like google chrome, Facebook, youtube, etc. This has been possible only through the Internet.

If I go on telling about the Internet, then this post will not end. So I will say in one line. It is a network. Which keeps today’s technology connected with each other. Through this, we are running various technologies.


There are many benefits of the Internet. That’s why I will tell you only some important benefits of this. Because that’s what you need to know. It would be better to know the same thing.

  • Through this, we can drive technology
  • we can prepare for our exam
  • Can fill out the vacancy form on the internet
  • You can get new information through videos using youtube
  • can read and watch the news
  • Can study the activities happening around the world
  • Can talk with your friends through Facebook
  • Can get information about new courses and teach them
  • can learn to cook
  • You can create your own channel on youtube
  • Can video call with friends
  • You can watch your favorite movie
  • You can upload tutorials online
  • can download photo
  • can do shopping
  • can sell old stuff
  • join dance class
  • What is Internet


We do not speak, we benefit from life. From there we also make losses. In such a situation, we get many benefits from the Internet. So with this, we also have a loss. Now, what is that loss? get information about it.

  • become addicted to social media
  • online chatting overnight
  • wasting time
  • watching movies for a long time
  • doing negative activity
  • giving wrong information

Why the internet is so useful

Everyone must have this thought in their mind. That’s why the Internet is so useful. It is said that whatever we get attached to. It becomes very useful. If there was no internet, would this technology be so far ahead today, not at all? That’s why the Internet is so useful.

Today every work is done through the Internet. For example the smartphone we are running. If there was no internet, would we be able to use the functions of that smartphone? How many applications would they be able to run? There are many such examples.

But that’s why the Internet is so useful. That’s how many people there are in the whole world. Are able to communicate with each other are able to talk. That’s why the use of the Internet and its importance is so much.

However, we use anything keeping the needs in mind. So if someone wants to search for a job. So he will use the internet. If anyone wants to know about any place. So he will use the internet. So this is the point of turning around.

That by using the internet we can get all the information. And can do whatever he wants. But we will do it in the right way and in the right way. Only then can we take full advantage of the Internet.

What can we learn through the Internet?

Absolutely correct question. Earlier I used to think the same thing. And that’s what he was trying to find out. What can I learn through the internet? After that, I tried to get information about it on the internet itself. So I came to know what I can learn through the internet. That’s why I am trying to inform you about the same thing.

  • can learn about the study material
  • learn how to make a website
  • can learn computer course
  • learn video editing
  • You can join an advanced course
  • You can get information about how to study
  • learn how to earn money
  • Know how online work is done
  • Learn about digital marketing
  • Learn how to do business

I have given you just a few examples. We can learn a lot by using the Internet. We can get more information from here than what we do not get from outside. But the information we are getting.

Use it in the right way at the right time. Then we will understand better. So if you ever feel like I can learn this with the help of the internet or not. So you must have a look at it by searching it once. So you will definitely get the information from there.

Frequently asked questions

1. Is the internet free?

The Internet is absolutely free. We do not have to pay money to use it. But what the internet is providing us. They have to give us money.

2. Will the internet ever stop?

I do not have the answer to this question. But I must say one thing. If anyone needs anything. And it is not possible to survive without him. So that thing will never end. like internet

3. What do most people use on the Internet these days?

Only Google can give you the answer to this. Because the world’s most popular is Google. through which the Internet is used. That’s why people are more active on YouTube, Google & social media.


Finally friends, how did you guys feel after taking information about the internet, do not forget to give your feedback. Because I will get information only through your feedback.

Whether I am putting the right information for you or not, please give your opinion about the post. And don’t forget to share with your friends. And subscribe to our website for upcoming new posts. Thank you

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