What is CA? What is the eligibility for CA? Benefits of doing CA, what is the working area of CA?
Estimated salary after CA course. If you are looking for answers to these questions related to CA, then this post is for you only.
What is CA?
The full name of CA is Chartered Accountant. The job of the CA is to check the accounts of companies. Works as CA Accountant.
This is a professional designation in the field of the Finance Sector. A CA is a highly qualified professional who examines the taxation accounts of financial problems.
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The Chartered Accountants of India ICAI Institute is the National Professional Accounting Organization that regulates the profession of Cost and Management Accountancy.
CA is a very prestigious career in our country. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a governing body that conducts the examination of CA.
Students who clear the final exam of the institute get a good job as a Qualified Chartered Accountant (CA) in the industry. To do CA, you have to clear three exams such as –
- CPT Exam
- IPCC Exam
- FC Exam
- CPT Exam
To make a career in CA, you start with Common Proficiency Test CPT. Only after passing which you cross the first stage of your goal and reach the second stage. This includes four subjects Accounting, Mercantile Law, General Economics, and Quantitative Aptitude.
1. IPCC Exam
Subjects like Accounting, Business and Company Law, Ethics and Communication, Cast Accounting and Financial Management, Taxation, Advance Accounting, IT and Strategic Management, etc.
Have been included in IPCC. After the CPT is cleared, students can give the IPCC exam. For this, you get 9 months of preparation time.
After removing the IPCC exam, you have to work as an intern under a CA. You have to do this internship for three years before being eligible for the final exam.
2. FC Exam
FC Exam is the last stage of the CA Course. In this, information is given to the students about Financial Reporting, Auditing, Professional Ethics, Taxation, Corporate Law, System Control, Strategic Finance, and Advance Management Accountancy.
Along with completing the final course, students also have to complete the General Management and Communication Skills (GMCS) course.
This exam is held in two groups and 8 papers.After passing all the exams, students have to apply for membership in ICAI.
Jobs and Salary after doing CA
CA gets Rs 15,000-20,000 per month to professionals in domestic companies at the junior level and Rs 30,000-35,000 per month at the senior level.
After two to three years of experience, this amount reaches close to Rs 55,000-60,000 per month.
Foreign companies are keeping them on the package of lakhs. As experience increases, their salary increases.
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