What is blog Very few people would know what is Blog? and how and why it is used.
If you do not know about it, then no problem, we will give you complete information about it. For this, definitely read our post from beginning to end.
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What is blog?
The word Blog is an abbreviated form of an English Web Blog that started in 1998 AD. But it will not be wrong to say now.
That Blog has become such a platform available on the Web World. Where you as an author can put your words in front of the whole world. Writing a blog is called Blogging and the writer is called a Blogger.
The blog is similar to a website in view, but in today’s time, people use it to share their personal thoughts. The user of the blog publishes some such article on his blog daily which is related to him or his blog.
A blog for marketing your products and services can give your business an identity and a voice to gain visibility on the Internet. Being a participatory blog, other people can share their opinion on the blog. By authorizing a blog, your business can gain the status of an expert in the industry. In today’s world of online marketing, blogs contribute a major share.
If seen, at present the blog has become very popular among people. You can create a blog for free and later you can make changes according to your need, but Free Blog does not have all the features. WordPress is most commonly used to create a blog.
How does the blog look?
Talking about an easy blog, a Side Posts List is shown and on one side there is a Feature in the Sidebar, there is a Comment System below the Post in the Blog so that the Readers coming to the Blog can give their Suggestions and Opinions and there is a Subscribe Box.
Readers in the box can get updates of new article posts from your blog through their email in their email. A Blog can be run by an Admin. Daily new post articles are published in a blog. Look My Blog: Deepak Bhatt India
Benefits of creating a blog :
There are many benefits to creating a blog. You can see some of the benefits of creating a blog below –
You can write Blog in any language.
Some people’s passion leans towards a cause whether it be a political, environmental, or social cause, blogs are a great way to build awareness and garner support.
There are many benefits of writing a blog, if you enjoy writing or say that you are fond of writing, then in today’s time, a blog is a very good medium for you to reach your article to people.
By writing a good blog, you can make your identity in this world or say that in the world of the Internet, you can create your own identity, due to which people will start connecting with you.
Creating a blog is much easier than a website, in this you do not need any technical knowledge or knowledge of coding, etc.
In today’s time, almost everyone is connected to the Internet and in such a situation, through Blog, you can reach your articles and thoughts to thousands and millions of people.
How to earn money from a Blog :
By now you must have known that Blogging is a better platform for people who are fond of writing content and reaching their articles to the people.
But you probably will not know that you can earn money from Blog, yes, if people are liking your Blog and the number of visitors to your Blog is very high or increasing, then the earning opportunities for you are as high as possible. Will be
Actually, Google Adsense gives us money instead of showing an ad on our blog, whenever a Visitor comes to your blog and clicks on that ad, then Google pays us according to every click.
In such a situation, the more visitors will come to your blog, the more your earnings will increase. Many people have made it their first source of income and in today’s time, it has also become very popular.
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