How to prepare for police Hello friends, today we will tell you how to prepare for the police. Gonna tell about it.
Recently many people have dreams. That he should get a job in the police. But most of the people do not know about how to prepare for the police.
So that we can clear the police exam in the first attempt itself. And could make a career as a police. So in such a situation, this information can prove to be very useful for you.
As you would know. To clear any type of exam, you have to work hard. And the right strategy has to be adopted only then you can clear the police exam in the first attempt.
Because whenever its applications are issued, lakhs of people apply in it. And its exam is given, in such a situation, you have to try to get the best marks, only then you will be able to get success in the police exam. If you want to know about it in detail. So read this article carefully on how to prepare for the police.
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- 1 How to prepare for police
- 1.1 1. Apply to the police
- 1.2 2. Get medical checkup done
- 1.3 3. Understand the exam pattern of police exam
- 1.4 4. Read police exam syllabus
- 1.5 5. Prepare for physical test
- 1.6 6. Read old question paper of police exam
- 1.7 7. Join coaching class for police exam
- 1.8 8. Read model paper for police exam
- 1.9 9. Watch online classes for police exam
- 1.10 10. Study at least 4 – 5 hours daily
- 1.11 11. Make notes for police exam
- 1.12 12. Read newspapers and magazines daily
- 1.13 13. Choose the best place to study
- 2 Conclusion
How to prepare for police
You have to work hard to clear the police exam because it is not that easy to clear the exam. For this you have to prepare with a right strategy.
Only then you will be able to succeed in its exam. We are going to tell you some of the easiest and best ways to do this.
If you want, you can get success in its exam very easily by adopting our mentioned methods. For this you can follow the following methods.
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1. Apply to the police
To become a police, you must first apply in it. Unless you apply for it. Till then you cannot appear in its exam.
Therefore, whenever the application form of the police is issued, then you have to apply online in it. Its applications are issued by the police department or the state government. By applying in which you can be involved in its selection process.
If you do not know about its application form. So you can get information about the release of its application by visiting its official website.
And if you want, you can also get information about the issuance of its application form through social media, internet, employment news etc. And by applying in this, you can prepare to become a police.
2. Get medical checkup done
Many people are like this. Those who do not get their medical checkup done before applying in this and later they are thrown out in the medical test by the police department.
This breaks their entire hope. And they are not able to focus so much in the second exam. In such a situation, you should get your medical test done before applying.
Recently many institutions are like this. Which provides you the facility to do the medical test of the police. If you want, you can get your medical test done from there. If you get the medical test done. And you get to know it. That you are medically fit.
So after this you can start preparing for the police. Because after this your chances of being successful in the medical test will increase a lot. And you will not have any kind of worry regarding the medical test.
With this, you will be able to concentrate well in the preparation of the police.
3. Understand the exam pattern of police exam
If you have to clear the police exam. So for this it is very important for you to understand the exam pattern of police exam. Unless you understand its exam pattern.
Till then you cannot get success in its exam. That’s why it is necessary for you to understand its exam pattern before the exam. With this, you will be able to prepare well for the exam. This is an objective type offline exam.
And in this exam you are asked 150 questions. Out of which each question is of 1 mark. Negative marking is also kept in this exam, it means. If you give wrong answer to any question. So its 1/4 mark is deducted.
Keep in mind that the marks you get in this exam. They will also be added to your merit. That’s why you should try to get good marks in the written examination.
4. Read police exam syllabus
Before giving the police exam, it is necessary to understand its syllabus. Because all the questions you are asked in the police exam. All those questions are asked from its syllabus only. If you read its syllabus properly.
So after this no one can stop you from being successful in the police exam. And keep in mind that not a single question out of its syllabus will be asked in the exam.
If you do not know its syllabus. So you can see the syllabus of the police exam on the internet very easily.
And if you want, you can also get the information about the syllabus by visiting its official website. You can easily find the syllabus of this exam in the official notification of the police department.
5. Prepare for physical test
If you want to become a police. So for this it is very important for you to know about the physical test. When you are successful in the exam, then after that you are called for physical test. In this you have to give many types of tests.
Such as running, long jump, high jump, ball throw etc. the following types of tests will be taken in the physical test of the police.
And you should start preparing for them from now itself. Because after the exam, you do not get enough time to prepare for physical properly. In physical you have to give many different tests. And each test has different marks in it.
The better performance you show in the test, the more marks you will get in that test. And the marks obtained in the physical test are also added to your merit. So you should try to get good marks in it.
6. Read old question paper of police exam
To get success in the police exam, old question papers can prove to be very beneficial for you. If you read the old question papers of police exam well. So after this you get a good experience of the exam.
What type of questions will be asked in the exam and how you will have to solve the questions. You get to see all this information in the old question paper. If you understand the old question papers of the last few years very well.
So from this you will get to see a lot of advantage in the exam. And you will be able to clear its exam very easily. If you do not have old question paper. So you can buy and read them online. Or you can buy and read old question papers of police exam from any stationery shop.
7. Join coaching class for police exam
If you are preparing for any kind of competitive exam. So coaching class can prove to be very beneficial for you. For this, you choose any good coaching class and join it. So there you are taught the complete syllabus of the police exam in the right way.
With this, you remember the complete syllabus of the police exam very well. And you can easily get success in its exam. You should take many precautions before joining the coaching class.
And you should choose the same coaching class whose previous record has been very good and where the best teachers have been appointed.
Along with this, before joining the coaching class, you must take a trial of 1 or 2 days. With this, you get a lot of information about that class. With this you will be able to join a great coaching class.
8. Read model paper for police exam
For the preparation of any kind of competitive exam, it is very important for you to read the model paper. This gives you an idea of your preparation. What is your preparation like and how many marks can you get in the exam. Along with this, yo
u will also know from the model paper that in which subject you are weak. And in which subject is he an expert. If you want to buy model paper of police exam.
So you can easily buy it online or by visiting any book depot. In this you will get many papers with the help of which you can take your own test. And you can get an idea of your preparation. This method proves to be very beneficial in every competitive exam.
9. Watch online classes for police exam
Recently, the trend of online study is going on very much. If you want to prepare better for competitive exams. So for this you can start studying online. In less time than this, you can get to see better results.
Recently, there are many institutes which conduct online courses for police exam. If you want, you can join their course and prepare for its exam. Or if you want, you can also watch online classes for free on social media or YouTube etc.
Online class proves beneficial for every student. Because in this you easily get the online class of each and every subject.
You can watch the online class of the subject for which you want to watch the online class, by studying online, the chances of being successful in the exam also increase a lot.
10. Study at least 4 – 5 hours daily
If you want to clear the police exam in the first attempt. So for this you need to study for at least 4 to 5 hours.
If you study hard for 4-5 hours every day. So after this no one can stop you from succeeding in the exam, you should always keep one thing in mind to get success in the competitive exam. The more you study, the sooner you will get success.
Whenever you sit to study. So at that time your full attention should be on your studies and if possible, keep your mobile and TV etc. switched off while studying, so that you will not be disturbed at all while studying.
And you will be able to concentrate well in your studies. By adopting this method, you can prepare well for the exam.
11. Make notes for police exam
To get success in the police exam, it is very important for you to make notes. If you study by making notes for the exam. So this increases your chances of being successful.
Because by making notes and reading, the questions start to be remembered very quickly. and whatever else you remember. You remember it for a long time, so this method is considered very useful. If you want to read by making notes.
So you should always keep one thing in mind that you should always remember by writing notes with your own hands, only then you can get good results. If you read by buying notes from the market, then you will not get such a good benefit from it, so you should read the notes made by your own hands.
12. Read newspapers and magazines daily
You will know that in the police exam, most of the questions are asked from General Knowledge only. If you want to prepare better for General Knowledge. So for this it is necessary to read newspapers and magazines daily.
This makes your general knowledge much better. And you get very important information about the recent happenings. If you start reading newspaper or magazine regularly. So within a few days you start seeing its benefits.
And if you find any news important and useful in the newspaper, then you must write it in your notebook so that you can remember it easily, it will be much easier for you to clear the police exam.
13. Choose the best place to study
If you want to prepare well for competitive exams. So it is necessary to choose the right place for studying. For this, you should always try to study in a pure and calm environment. Due to this, your attention starts getting engaged in studies.
And you will be able to focus well in studies, due to this your chances of being successful in the exam increase a lot.
And you can get good marks in its exam. Keep in mind that unless you choose the right place to study, you will not be interested in studies and you will not be able to prepare for the exam properly.
That’s why you always choose a good place while studying if you have. If possible, try to study more at night or in the morning, this time is considered best for studies.
In this article, we have given you information about how to prepare for the police, we hope that you will find our information useful, if you like the information, then share it on social media and if you want to ask any kind of question related to it You can also tell us by commenting.
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