
How to become an IAS officer Tips in 2025


By Mr Deepak Bhatt

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If we are going to give you complete information about becoming an IAS officer. We hope that like last time you will like our post this time too.

We are going to tell you the complete information about how you can become an IAS officer and what you will have to do for this. Many students dream of becoming an IAS officer.

Because once becoming an IAS officer, the student’s identity becomes different. Money is also very much available in this field.

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Due to this, the interest of people in it keeps increasing every day. In today’s post, we are going to give you information about this. By which you can become an IAS officer.

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How to become an IAS officer

IAS is the biggest government job in the country. The IAS officer is the most influential person in the whole district. IAS officer guides every department of the district.

Whether it is Police Department or Health Department. In the center too, the secretaries of all the ministries are IAS officers. Be it any ministry.

This service made by the British is also called Heaven Born Service. The more difficult it is to take admission to the IAS service, the more difficult it is to remove the person from this service.

The job of an IAS officer is generally to enforce government policies after being posted in his area. Which is in the form of SDM, ADM, DM, and Departmental Commissioner, and is to conduct daily affairs while acting as a conciliator between the Public and the Government. Therefore, an IAS officer is expected to formulate schemes and policies and their execution.

IAS officers are appointed by the President. And the Government notifies it in the Indian Gazette. That’s why this officer is also called Gazetted Officer.

This means that no one can dismiss these officers except the President. Only the state government can suspend an IAS officer. The State Government also does not have the right of Dismissed.

Eligibility to become an IAS officer

To become an IAS officer, the candidate should be from India, Nepal, and Bhutan. IAS officers can be made from Science Side, Art Side, Commerce, or any stream, for this, it is necessary to be a graduate.

Age to become an IAS officer

To become an IAS officer, the age for a general category student should be 21-32 years. And students of this category can give the IAS exam only 6 times.

For OBC category students, the age should be up to 21-35 years and students of this category can give the IAS exam only 9 times.

For SC / ST category students, ages should be 21-37 years and students of this category can give this exam as many times as they want.

Exams to become an IAS officer

To become an IAS officer, you have to clear the UPSC Civil Services Examination. This exam is divided into 3 steps –

  • Preliminary Exam
  • Main Exam
  • Interview

1. Preliminary Exam

There are 2 papers in the Preliminary Exam. Both these papers are of 200-200 Marks and both have four-choice questions. This exam is held in July-August. You cannot become an IAS officer without clearing this exam. After clearing this exam, there is another exam. Which is called Main Exam.

2. Main Exam

9 papers have to be given in the main exam. And clearing this exam is very difficult. This exam is held in December-January. Many students are not able to clear this exam. If you pass this exam with good marks. Then after this, you are called for an interview.

3. Interview

Students who have passed Preliminary Exam and Main Exam are called for an Interview. The candidates who pass the Interview. They are selected for the post of IAS.

IAS officer salary

Talking about the salary of an IAS officer, is based on different structures. Like Junior Scale, Senior Scale, and Super Time Scale There are different pay bands in the pay scales. The IAS officer is also entitled to HRA 40 percent of the basic or official residence. Along with this, they also get DA and TA. In this, the salary increases on the basis of Cabinet Secretary, Apx, and Super Time Scale.

The salary of an IAS officer starts from 60,000 to 2.5 lakhs, and many types of allowances are given. A vehicle is given free of cost to an IAS officer. The telephone bill and electricity bill of an IAS officer is free. If you have to live somewhere in the private sector. So the government gives all the expenses and many other allowances are given to the IAS officer.


Friends, you guys know how IAS is made. What is the process for this? We are providing all that process to you through this post. With this, want to know more about it. Or want to know its explanation. then read this post for that.


Mr Deepak Bhatt

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