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Free Marketing Courses with 85% Discount in 2025

Free Marketing Courses: Hello, friends welcome to all of you. In today’s post, if you want to learn marketing courses.

So today I will give you information about all the marketing courses. With this, in which topic do you want to learn marketing course?

Or I am going to review all those topics you have to learn. Which topic can be best for you on which platform? With this, I will try not to give you complete information related to marketing here.

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Free Marketing Courses

And in which category you will get which type of topics and you can learn them for free. I am going to give you a complete list of all those topics in this post.

So before proceeding, if you want to get information about other topics related to free video courses. So also read the other posts given on our website.

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What is Marketing?

Marketing is the process of giving information to the customer about any product, service, brand, etc. through the market and encouraging them to consume them all.

Its definitions can be many but the meaning is the same. It works in two ways. What is called offline and online marketing? We can do marketing both physically and digitally.

Through marketing, people have public awareness about any goods, services, and brands. The word marketing has originated from the market, nowadays marketing is used in every field.

That’s why it has become so popular. After the production of any new goods, the first thing that happens is the marketing of that item. Only then the general public can understand the object.

What to do to learn marketing?

Marketing is very easy to learn. If we go to the field and learn marketing, then we can learn very quickly. But before we learn marketing, it is very important for us to know its fundamentals.

If we read this theory tickle, then we will understand only 10% of it, but the same 10% will work for 90% of us. If we come to know in which topic we have to take information to learn marketing.

For this, now I will tell you all those topics and what we need to read about them. I am going to give information about that. So now read the post carefully and get complete details.

Marketing Courses Review

So what can we get to learn within every topic of marketing given above? And inside all these, which topic we can get information about. They have been explained in detail below. Please read the complete post and get complete information.

1. Digital marketing

Time has changed so much. What if we want to do whatever work we want, we can do it through a digital device. In such a situation, the running has stopped completely.

For example, if we had to go to the market to get some goods. So now we can ask for goods at home using digital devices sitting at home. In such a situation, marketing has been converted into digital marketing.

Under Digital Marketing, we can learn about topics like Social Media Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Internet Marketing, Google Analytics, Email Marketing, Copywriting, YouTube Marketing, and Advertising Strategy.

2. Search engine optimization

Meaning of search engine optimization. To optimize any content, video, product, service in the search engine. With this, we can reach more and more people.

So related to this if we want to get information. So we can learn the course on the following topic. Such as Search Engine Optimization, WordPress, Keyword Research, Google My Business, Local Search Engine Optimization, Link Building, Image Search Engine Optimization, Google Search Console, etc. You can get information about the topic.

3. Social media marketing

Now is the time of social media, so social media marketing is also increasing day by day. If you have a lot of knowledge about social media. So you can do marketing here.

If you don’t have it. So you can get information on these topics. Like Instagram Marketing, Facebook Marketing, PPC Marketing, Tik Tok Marketing, Social Media Management, Instagram Photography, etc. You can do social media marketing by writing about the topic.

4. Branding marketing

Under branding marketing, we take the help of marketing to reach any brand in the market. For this, we should know branding marketing. If we do not have its knowledge.

So we can get information on all these topics to learn it. You can get information on topics like Business Branding, YouTube Audience Growth, YouTube Marketing, Personal Branding, Brand Management Marketing, Strategy Customer Service, Reputation Marketing, etc.

5. Fundamentals Marketing

Fundamental marketing is called general marketing. This is the law of marketing. Which explains us in detail. To learn how to do marketing, we have to get information about the following topics.

Like marketing strategy, copywriting, event planning, marketing analysis, marketing management, marketing psychology, marketing plan, online business, etc., we have to take a detailed concept on the topic.

6. Analysis and Automation

You know how to do analysis. So you understand marketing very well. If you don’t know how to do analysis. So you will not be able to understand marketing very well.

So for this, you have to get information about the following topics. Such as Google Analytics, Marketing Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Data Analysis, Marketing Strategy, SQL Marketing, etc.

7. Public relations

Public relations is the most important thing for any seller. Because we make public awareness to sell any item. That’s when they get to know about the product.

Or let them know about the service. Then he comes to use them. If you can’t do that. You will not be able to bring the public into contact with you.

Then you will not be able to proceed. So to make public relations you should know about these topics. Such as business communication, communication skills, media training, writing, podcasting, event planning, startup, public speaking, etc.

8. Video & Mobile Marketing

Video clips are the ones that attract the most people in marketing. So you can advertise through video. If you do not know the information related to this, then you can join the course on some of these topics. and you can learn.

Like YouTube Marketing, YouTube Audience Growth, Video Creation, PowerPoint, Video Marketing, Video Editing, App Marketing, App Store Optimization, Adobe Premiere, etc., after taking information on topics, you can do mobile and video marketing.

9. Content marketing

Under Content Marketing, we share information within the web by writing content. If you want to learn what is content marketing. So you can get information on these topics.

After taking information about topics like copywriting, content writing, blogging writing, content creation, business writing, and WordPress, you can start content writing after understanding all these well. And can be involved in marketing.

10. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing provides commission after selling the product. It is called Affiliate Marketing. To learn and do this, we should know about content marketing and marketing.

But you want to learn it in detail. To get information on these topics. Like Clickbank, search engine optimization, amazon, marketing, CPA marketing, home business, network marketing, marketing strategy, online business, get detailed information about topics and then start affiliate marketing.

11. Product Other Marketing

Under Product Marketing, we can get information on many topics. Like creating a marketing plan. Can give information about self-publishing products.

Can do product management. With this, you can do marketing management and lead generation. So if you want to do product marketing above all these topics.

So you need to know. So you can learn related courses from this if you can get a lot of information under marketing with this. Like, copywriting, conversion rate optimization, growing YouTube audience, about planning events, marketing strategy, email marketing, Instagram marketing, you can understand in detail topics like marketing and start.

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